A logo for oakbrook church in de pere wi

Welcome to

Oakbrook Church

Oakbrook Sundays: ONLINE & IN PERSON 10:00 AM

A heart with praying hands inside of it

join us

Welcome to Oakbrook Church. We invite you to join us for worship.

An icon of a church with a cross on top of it in a circle.

our location

Oakbrook Church is located in (West) De Pere, WI

A hand is holding a red heart in a circle.

give back

Learn how you can give back to the church and our community of faith.


Core Values

You're not meant to go through life alone.

We're here to help you find your people and help you grow as a person through an authentic community of people.


We exist to Glorify God in everything we do and say,

to make disciples of Jesus who in turn make disciples of Jesus, and

to be a blessing in the neighborhood, and in the city that God has placed us in.

A man in a suit stands in front of a wall that says john 15:26

Meet Pastor Matt

Pastor Matt and his wife Katie have been living together as a Family on Mission since 2008. Together, they are blessed with five amazing gifts from God: Faith, Grace, Mercy, Elijah, and Grayson.

Pastor Matt earned his Master of Divinity degree from Bethel Seminary in May 2024, with a focus on Transformative Leadership. This is the leadership approach he brings to Oakbrook Church as the Lead Elder. He firmly believes that ALL people are uniquely and wonderfully created by God and are wholly loved by Him.

Pastor Matt envisions Oakbrook Church as a community that is small enough to genuinely care for one another yet large enough to take bold steps in its neighborhood, the city of De Pere, and beyond. At Oakbrook Church, we aspire to be a family of diverse, Jesus-centered disciples who Love God, Love All People, and who Make Disciples of Jesus who in turn make Disciples of Jesus.

When not at Oakbrook Church, you can find Matt actively engaged in his bivocational role as the Family Ministry and Housing Stability Coordinator at the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing (EPH). With a deep passion for meeting people where they are, Pastor Matt envisions the Church as a beacon of hope, proactively reaching into the darkest corners and overlooked areas of our neighborhoods and cities to BE Light, so that everyone may come to understand the source of this incredible hope we have and experience life to the fullest, even in this life before Heaven.

More About Us


Hello Friend,

Thank You so much for checking out our website today. Whether you're in the area visiting or are searching for a Church to call Home, I fully recognize that the search for a Gospel Centered Church can cause some anxiety and perhaps depending on your past experiences with Church may even instill some fear (if nobody has ever told you before that is ok friend and it is normal to feel that way).

Here at Oakbrook Church whether you have been here for years or its your first Sunday, it feels like Family!

We value being a Jesus Centered Church that is devoted to Kingdom Prayer, wholly committed to Everyday Hospitality, Loves God and Loves People (meeting everyone right where they are at), with our focus being on missional multiplication (making disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus, one family at a time, one neighborhood at a time, one city at a time under one God of all time) and living together as a Family on Mission that is small enough to care and large enough to dare in a way that this beautiful city of De Pere would miss us if we were no longer here tomorrow.

I'd be honored to have the great privilege of meeting and welcoming you in person to our Church Gathering this Sunday at 10 AM. Please bring all of your questions and your doubts and above all else please come just as you are. We will save a seat for you!

A group of people are sitting in a church with their hands in the air.
A table with communion trays that says do this in remembrance of me with

Plan Your Visit

Our Weekly Sunday Worship services are an overflow, response, and celebration in worship of God for what he has done in and through us during the week.

We welcome your whole Family to join us for Worship and then dismiss kids for Children's Church before the Sermon begins.

Services will inspire people to meet Jesus, motivate people to know Jesus,  celebrate life with Jesus and then be the hands and feet of Jesus in the neighborhoods, and in the city that God has placed us in.

We will participate in Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month and will have several Baptism Celebrations throughout the year.


Welcomed by a member of our Hospitality Team.


Pick up your welcome gift in the lobby.


Meet our Pastor.


Enjoy complimentary coffee & treats.

Why Us

Church Community

Discover why Oakbrook Church is growing.

A woman in a pink jacket is hugging another woman
A woman in a green jacket is talking to another woman at a table
A girl and a boy are sitting at a table in front of a wall that says all be called

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