We're thrilled you've decided to stop by and pay us a visit. Here are some helpful information to make your visit as seamless and motivating as possible.
We are blessed to be living in an age where a church congregation can come together in so many ways. Do you plan to be away and don't want to miss out on our messages? Join online wherever you are and you'll never miss another word. See you next Sunday!
Premieres weekly at 10:00AM (CST) every Sunday on Facebook or our Youtube channel.
Here at Oakbrook Church, our message and mission is to make disciples of Jesus and be a blessing in the places God has put us.
Our Services are Sunday's at 10:00AM
Dress up or casual. Come as you are and are comfortable with.
Childcare is provided every Sunday.
Parking is available in the front of the building. Entrances are on Lost Lane and Fernando Drive.
You can connect via our YouTube Channel or on Facebook Live.
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