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First Fruits

Ways to Give at Oakbrook Church

"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce."

- Proverbs 3:9

God sustains the ministry of Oakbrook Church through your love gifts, and your contributions are met with diligent stewardship. It's more than merely maintaining operations and facilities; it represents an act of personal worship to God, returning to Him what He already possesses. Additionally, it reflects the profound impact of the Gospel, transforming lives in our community and beyond, all made possible by your generosity.

God is moving powerfully at Oakbrook Church, and this impact reaches well beyond our own walls:

  • Supporting local missions with Awaken, Ecumenical Partnership for Housing and Freedom House Ministries.
  • World Missions with Pastor Deo in Haiti.
  • Grace Gifts to be a blessing to local needs in the neighborhood and city around us.

We are dedicated to prayerfully supporting God's Work, no matter where it may be. Your contributions make this investment possible. Please give as you feel led by God.

The word in person is on a green background.

Place your gift in the stand alone Love Gift box in Oakbrook Churches Worship Space.

The word online is written in white on a green background.

With just a few simple steps, you can make a single contribution or establish reocurring gifts.

The bank bill pay logo is on a green background.

Set up Bill Pay with your Bank or Financial Institution.

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