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Mighty Oaks

Grow in community

Help Kids Understand the Grand Narrative of God's Story

Engages children and preschoolers in the gospel through every narrative, theological principle, and mission call from Genesis to Revelation. They will come to see the Bible not merely as a compilation of stories, but as one cohesive narrative - God's story of redemption.


Each week, children will discover the joyful message of the gospel through a Bible Study that is:

A black cross on a white background.

Christ Focused

Everything revolves around Jesus, and every story leads back to Him.

Heart Transforming

This study aims to foster genuine transformation that arises solely from the gospel, rather than merely from changes and behavior.

Age Aligned

Every week, all participants - ranging from preschoolers to adults - can explore the same section of Scripture together.


Participants of all ages explore the narrative of the Bible sequentially, ranging from Genesis to Revelation.

Doctrinal Filled

All studies are delivered with an awareness of age appropriateness, ensuring that each session is both doctrinally sound and comprehensive.

Mission Minded

Each session invites participants to engage by both sharing and demonstrating the gospel.

A boy and a girl are sitting at a table reading the Bible.
A woman is standing next to two girls sitting at a table in a classroom.
A group of children are playing a game with red cups on a table.


A Morning at

Oakbrook Kids

What a morning with Oakbrook Kid's Church look like

Oakbrook Church offers Christ - centered studies tailored for each age, designed with a mission focus to empower you a disciple in your family, neighborhood and community.

A black heart icon on a white background.

Kids will join their parents in the sanctuary for Worship.

A black heart icon on a white background.

After Worship Pastor Matt will pray with Kids and dismiss them to Kids Church.

Kids Church Overview:

A black heart icon on a white background.

Activity Page

A black heart icon on a white background.

Session starter game

A black heart icon on a white background.

Intro to the Bible Story

A black heart icon on a white background.

Bible Story Video

A black heart icon on a white background.

Bible Review

A black heart icon on a white background.

Key Passage

(Memorizing the Bible verse)

A black heart icon on a white background.

Activity Game

A black heart icon on a white background.

Bible Story Group Discussion 

A black heart icon on a white background.


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